Discretionary Trusts Uk UK Will & Trusts? Discretionary Trusts Or Other Type Trusts?

UK Will & Trusts? Discretionary Trusts or other type Trusts? - discretionary trusts uk

If you choose, your assets to a trustee, discretionary or otherwise, and let your lawyer as executor, what the probability is that he follow your wishes? After all, if their song "discretion", he / she has to decide what he / she wants to do with him, since he / she is a director? Can they really just decide to divide the masses themselves and nobody else, to "review" of him as an administrator? Thanks

Are they more likely to follow your wishes, if not rely on a "discretionary power" to? rather a different kind of confidence? If so, what would be best to build trust? Thanks


Confused Hal said...

You must, at the discretion because you and your lawyer can not cover all eventualities, you happen if your money is a little left. The test is the only thing they have time to share some of the funds earlier than expected, rightly, if they believe. Not only can give to another person.

Suppose you left the money to his niece, who, when she was 25th Her niece is closer to his lawyer and said he wants a part or all of the money before, so that your attorney has the discretion to allow. Things that you can afford to go to UNI, buy a house to save his own life to create medical treatment, a company that deserves the confidence after studying the business plan. Things probably not let things like a new car, vacation, new clothes. one boob job, etc.

Hope it helps and put at ease.

Confused Hal said...

You must, at the discretion because you and your lawyer can not cover all eventualities, you happen if your money is a little left. The test is the only thing they have time to share some of the funds earlier than expected, rightly, if they believe. Not only can give to another person.

Suppose you left the money to his niece, who, when she was 25th Her niece is closer to his lawyer and said he wants a part or all of the money before, so that your attorney has the discretion to allow. Things that you can afford to go to UNI, buy a house to save his own life to create medical treatment, a company that deserves the confidence after studying the business plan. Things probably not let things like a new car, vacation, new clothes. one boob job, etc.

Hope it helps and put at ease.

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