Msn Italian Boy COME ON! Penfriend Or Msn Please!! Italian Boy Wants To Make Friends And Learn English!!?

COME ON! Penfriend or msn please!! Italian boy wants to make friends and learn english!!? - msn italian boy

Hiiii!, I'm Nicole, 21, very good Italian boy:)
I live in Padua, a small, cozy place to Venice!
I am looking for friends to improve my English and why not .. to teach, my beautiful language!
From writing to answer as I hope to stay there so early, when I finished my studies!


bonbons said...

I'll be your friend !!!!! I live in California, my name is Bonnie is my email I hope to hear from you.:)

pacet_lu... said...

ai! AI italiano em ve Your Boi SA contacts Copi UIL vriren the bicos intelig'nt Veri ai em

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